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Captura de ecrã 2023-09-24 022204.png

Despite the generous donations of many, the restoration works that are underway in the Cathedral continue to represent an important financial effort for our parish.

Wall calendars with photos of the Cathedral (exterior façade, chancel, altars and restored images) can be purchased in exchange for a donation whose value will revert to the works in progress.

Those interested can order HERE (message), or at the Cathedral (Sacristy), indicating the desired calendar(s).

We count on everyone's collaboration.

Calendar 1 vertical - Cathedral of Lamego;
Calendar 2 vertical - Main façade of the Cathedral of Lamego;
Calendar 3 vertical - Chancel and altar;
Calendar 4 vertical - Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament;
Calendar 5 Vertical - Our Lady of Lourdes;
Calendar 6 vertical - Altar of Saint Peter;
Calendar 7 vertical - Altar of Queen Santa Isabel;
Vertical Calendar 8 - Altar of Santo André Avelino;
Calendar 9 vertical - São Francisco Borja, São José, São Sebastião and São Vicente;
Calendar 10 vertical - Altar of the Archangel São Miguel;
Calendar 11 horizontal - Chancel and altar;
Calendar 12 horizontal - Our Lady of Graces;
Calendar 13 horizontal - Our Lady of Fátima;
Calendar 14 horizontal - Altar of Our Lady of Fátima;
Calendar 15 horizontal - Altar of Our Lady of Lourdes. 

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